Released in January 2015, "Murder in a Different Light", A Grace Tolliver Cape Cod Mystery series, is the second book by Patricia Driscoll featuring Grace Tolliver, former probation officer and present owner of Pearl's antique lamp shop, located in a historic Cape Cod village.
Please explore my website where you can view my photographs of Cape Cod and Barnstable Village and read excerpts from my books.
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Released in January 2012, "Shedding Light on Murder" is the first in a series of books by Patricia Driscoll. "Shedding Light On Murder" is an entertaining mystery that takes readers on a visit to an unexpected Cape Cod. The summer tourists are gone, and cold and snow have blanketed the lovely historical towns. A determined heroine and a cast of vibrant and distinctive villagers shaken by recent shocking events must find a way to bring resolution and peace back to Barnstable Village.